Conference FAQ’s
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you sponsor our travel and accommodation ?
Having been founded as well as currently being run as an entirely non-profit entity, Trueline unfortunately does yet have the means to be able to bear the travel and accommodation expenses of potential participants of our conferences. Trueline can however offer support in this regard by putting those seeking such financial assistance by directing to those organizations that do have such schemes in place for people to avail of financial aid for conference participation, travel, and accommodation.
Can you provide me with the invitation letter of the conference ?
Of course, Trueline will be formally extending invitations to participants by issuing Official Letters OfInvition in conference letterhead right after their registration formalities have been completed successfully. These letters may be used for applying for travel permits, official leaves, funding, etc.
Can I bring another person to the conference to accompany me ?
Yes, however, an additional Accompanying Person fee will have to be paid in order for them to be able to be allowed into the conference venue and participate in the conference.